World of Tattoo Conventions |
Bamberger Tattoo Convention 2024
25 - 26 May 2024
Hauptsmoorhalle Strullendorf
Hauptsmoorstraße 2, 96129 Strullendorf,
Am 25. & 26. Mai 2024 findet die 16. Tattoo Convention Bamberg statt!
Es erwarten euch zahlreiche nationale und internationale Tattoo Artists sowie Piercing und verschiedene Aussteller.
Ihr habt die Möglichkeit, euch über die unterschiedlichsten Stile und Kunstrichtungen zu informieren, beraten oder direkt vor Ort tätowieren zu lassen.
Auch für Unterhaltung und Verpflegung wird bestens gesorgt.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Euer Tattoo Team
Ticket Purchase for Tattoo Conventions
You can buy your ticket at the event (except for a few events). A lot of Tattoo Conventions sell the tickets in advance. Visit the official page of the Tattoo Convention to find further information of the ticket options. Buy tickets via the official websites of the Tattoo Convention!
Vendor and Artist Booths Registration for Tattoo Conventions
I you would like to participate at a Tattoo Convention as a Tattoo Artist or Vendor please contact the official page of the event (web site, facebook, instagram, etc). You will find the application form there along with the conditions of participations and prices. If you cannot find the application form please contact the organisers of the event via email. You can also visit the Tattoo Conventions social media sites (facebook, instagram, etc) for further information.